Introduction in English

Welcome to Mesekert!

“Let us put our minds together and see what life we can make for our children.”

At Mesekert we’re striving to provide the best possible English-language care to children aged 1 to 6 years. In our unique environment we can provide a secure and positive environment which is tailored to meet the children’s physical, emotional, and educational needs, thus assisting in the total development of each child at his/her own pace.

We are unique because we offer small groups in which our qualified and experienced teachers always have the opportunity to provide sufficient attention and get to in tune with your child.

We are unique because our principal teacher have 25 years of experience in EFL teaching that a special situation like this requires.Angol  Mesekert leaders hip has a decade of trial and error in finding out what works in our schools. We don’t just talk about it, we can and gladly do pass on knowledge to our co-workers, all for the benefit of the children.

We are unique because we provide a caring, loving, and fun atmosphere where learning is enjoyable.

Statement Of Faith

This is who we are and what we believe in: We are teachers, educators, and parents atAngol  Mesekert who are eager to provide warm, loving, and comfortable atmosphere in which children feel safe and secure. In return they are able to develop their skills in all areas; physical, social, emotional, cognitive and language.

While training we feel it is very important to take into account not only groups of children, but also the special interests and needs of the individual child. Therefore, planned interests and needs are reflected in the activities for the children. These activities are made to be fun and stimulating, and to provide opportunities for socializing, sharing, turn- taking, problem solving and development of a positive self-concept which is important for children to achieve. The program needs to be flexible and age appropriate. Activities provided will enable each child to develop to his/ her full potential. Within the planning special emphasis is placed on the children who are excelling beyond their peers, and also those children who need specialized attention.

Independence is important to children, so in order to encourage this we provide ongoing opportunities throughout each day to enable the children to develop self-esteem.

We feel it is very important to be a good listener, and we always make ourselves available and approachable to all parents and families. This will enable us to understand each child, therefore allowing us to provide support, advice and help to each family. It is very important for us to work as a team so we are able to join all our teaching techniques together, enabling us to utilize everyone’s abilities and expertise to provide the best possible care for all the children.

We believe that by providing a clean, healthy and hygienic environment we will stimulate the physical, emotional and intellectual well-being of the children. This can be achieved through example and the encouragement of self-cleanliness.

Overall, caring for young children is an immense responsibility and one that we regard as very important as we shape and mould children for the future.

Our philosophy

We would like to become the institution:

  • which is recognized and acknowledged for the high standards of quality in the field of social sensitivity, education and credibility;
    where based on our professional beliefs we can keep the kindergarten as a haven of pure childhood;
    where we consistently aim for quality work, to achieve our pedagogical goals, to the satisfaction of our partners;
  • where staff can feel safe, unthreatened by the risk of losing their jobs if they work conscientiously;
  • where the leader is committed to improving quality, and ensures the conditions for the employees to raise your children in a peaceful environment;
  • where our educators strive to achieve high quality work, and therefore continually take part in trainings, while keeping their personal interest and the institution’s interests in mind.
    where the organizational and professional culture is based on mutual acceptance, respect, and appreciation;
  • where the proprietor foundation has the possibility not only to ensure the minimal requirements provided by laws, but also those created by demands, and necessitated by quality improvement. It also creates the opportunity for the financial and moral acknowledgement of its professionals;
  • where the needs of the children are continually satisfied, through keeping our promises related to both quality and quantity.

Childhood in our view means that a child

  • is emotionally balanced, exposed to a lot of experiences, attached to nature, to fairy tales, to music and creative activities;
  • lives in harmony with its natural and social environment;
  • can laugh, explore, be amazed;
  • is spiritually free, creative-minded, socially sensitive, emphatic, balanced and HAPPY

Mission statement

At Angol Mesekert Preschool we strive for the evolvement, development, and education of a versatile character of your child through educational situations that are cognitively designed and structured in a complex way. Our effort is supported by the beautiful natural surroundings, the cheerful, snug, and loving atmosphere.

Our preschool is open-minded: our primary goal is to educate children, to support their development, and to provide a supplement to family upbringing building on our partnership with parents, in harmony with societal development and environmental needs. We strive to ensure that the efficient operation of our local education program is in line with each child’s pace of personal development, and is carried out in a loving, emotionally safe atmosphere.

We provide a wide range of facilities, to live through the enjoyment of motion, which will provide them with physical, mental, and social harmony.

We would like to provide our preschool the kind of experiences, which hopefully will be decisive and lasting in their lives with use of foreign languages, arts, tales, poetry, puppetry, imaging and by the wonders of nature.

We pay attention to prevention, differentiated engagement, adopting diversity, in order to prevail in equal opportunity.

We provide the conditions to basic activities so the children can blossom their skills to a higher level with the lead of our kindergarten teachers.

We believe, that at the end of the term, beside their mother tongue the children will be able to speak English, and with the coordinated activities of the parents and the kindergarten they will grow to be honest, open, curious, independent, tolerant, kind-hearted, cheerful, helpful children with sufficient self-discipline and decision-making ability.

We are aware that we always set an example for the children and therefore we behave and act in a way that is worthy of imitation.

Our conduct must be characterized by understanding, acceptance, optimism and love.

Our teaching staffs is composed of well prepared educators, whose expertise, enthusiasm, value-transmitting role and actions, the fulfilment of timely obligations, are the guarantees to achieve our goals. They are typically self-trained, possessing the will to meet new challenges, and the commitment to quality-improvement.

The strategic goals include the long-term goals of our kindergarten. These objectives are the starting point for our local program.

Our goals are the following:

General elements:

  • Child and education-orientation
  • Atmosphere of emotional safety
  • Open-minded and close collaboration with the families
  • Differentiated development
  • Prominent role for games
  • The principle of individual treatment
  • Considering the children’s physical, psychological and social needs
  • Development and learning without pressure for achievements
  • The autonomy of teachers and children

Special elements:

  • Educating children to be cosmopolitan and open to networking
  • Expanding children’s ability to express themselves through the use of English language
  • Teaching them to love and protect the environment
  • Conscious use of artistic tools in education
  • Emphasizing the role of communication and cooperation
  • Conserving traditions, celebrating important dates
  • Movement, motion games

Our preschool guarantees in its quality management program that it will continuously provide high quality values in its work, as described in the pedagogic guidelines, and we shall assure this via periodic assessment.

Personal Conditions

The preschool’s groups are small. In each group there are qualified teachers, who develop the children’s skills during the day. The conversational language is English-Hungarian, so the little ones acquire the foreign language indirectly. Every day we have a one-hour playful Gym class, where they learn a lot of children’s games.

For the children of Hungarian nationality, we start both English and Hungarian preschool program from the age of 5, which consists of 4 subjects (speech therapy, mathematics, environmental studies, music-physical education), each day of a week. These sessions help the children organize their knowledge acquired in English and prepare them for their school entrance examinations. From the month of August this preparatory work is supplemented by individual developmental lessons for each child.

Educational areas

“The most effective kind of education is that a child should play amongst lovely things.” – Plato

A list of the preschool/school curriculum areas is presented below with a definition for each area. As you will see our curriculum consists of both free play and structured areas. Naturally each play area is designed to help your child’s development in all areas of language, cognitive, social, emotional, fine and gross motor and self-help skills. All curriculum areas are interrelated.

Books are also valuable in helping your child to absorb new information about topics and events. By looking at books your child will develop pre-reading skills; for example: left to right progression, turning pages and also concepts of print and pictures being related to words spoken.

Arts and Crafts (A&C) develops an awareness of colour patterns and form. It will encourage self-expression and creativity.

Music and dancing teaches concepts such as auditory discrimination, tempo and pitch. It allows your child to express and results in feeling through movement and music.

Manipulative Play / Fine motor play: Construction toys, woodwork and Legos allow your child to develop his or her creativity and master fine motor skills.

Blocks are designed in mathematical units. By playing with them your child will develop a concrete understanding of concepts vital to logical thinking such as size, shape, numbers, sequencing, fractions, areas and weight.

Drama: By acting out roles they learn about themselves, their families, friends and society at large. This develops your child’s confidence and self-esteem.
Science: Science not only informs your child about his/her world, but also teaches skills such as observing and manipulating. It is also a great opportunity to develop vocabulary and language skills.

Early Math: Your child will learn about the sound and sequencing of numbers and as well as some numerical recognition. Puzzles Allows children to Develop pre-reading skills such as shape and color differentiation.

Sensory Play: Natural substances such as sand, water, paint, play dough and clay are important for developing concepts, e.g. rough and smooth.